"Clearly, Uncle Tom is a very stupid person."
My uncle Tom can think on his feet.
No, no; none but uncle Tom Thumper shall shoe my mare.
Soon Uncle Tom called, and everyone went out to the Christmas tree.
Their next door neighbor was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of " Uncle Tom's Cabin" .
While some theatrical versions of Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed to the abolitionist cause.
As the Civil Rights Movement grew, the more militant dismissed him as an Uncle Tom for being palatable to whites.
He later became even more famous for playing Uncle Tom in a pro-slavery version of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which we'll discuss in a minute.
后来他因在支持隶制的《汤姆的小屋》中扮演汤姆而更加出名 稍后我们会讲到。
This was supposed to be in contrast to Uncle Tom's Cabin, which he thought had treated to slavery too harshly.
这和《汤姆的小屋》形成了鲜明的比 布·西科认为其隶制度的态度太苛刻了。
So, my uncle Tom who runs the restaurant, right, he's not called Tom, but let's call him Tom for today.
Uncle Tom is always saying " Why aren't you married? Why don't you have kids? Why is your face so ugly? "
He a uncle Tom he a, A sellout.
Harriet Stowe, mother of six, wrote parts of Uncle Tom's Cabin while cooking.
六个孩子的母亲哈里特·斯托 (Harriet Stowe) 在做饭时写下了《汤姆的小屋》的部分内容。
If Uncle Tom had been drinking, I kept out of his way.
My Old Kentucky Home is an example. Mister Emerson says Foster wrote the song in honor of Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery book, Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Christmas at home meant days of shopping, fun with Uncle Tom when he came back from college, parties at the church and at the schoolhouse.
" Your Uncle Tom and I must start for home by five o'clock; so you children had better open your presents right now, " said Father.
He looks for all the world like Uncle Tom, with grizzled hair and whiskers, and walks with a cane.
他看起来像汤姆一样, 满头灰白的头发和胡须, 拄拐杖走路。
He had a regular uniform he met trains in, a sort of Uncle Tom's cabin outfit, patches and all.
If we do so, you just say to us, as old Chloe did in Uncle Tom, 'Tink ob yer marcies, chillen!
如果我们这样做,你就我们说,就像老克洛伊在《汤姆》中所做的那样,'Tink ob yer marcies, chillen!
You know, when I got in the Civil Rights Movement, I was so comfortable and gracious with white people that some of the guys called me an Uncle Tom.